Washington, D.C.—Today, the U.S. House approved bipartisan legislation authored by Reps. Mike Bost (IL-12) and Rodney Davis (IL-13) aimed at protecting the American steel industry and other businesses from the illegal dumping of foreign products in U.S. markets.  Included as part of a Trade Adjustment Assistance package for American workers displaced from their jobs, the Bost-Davis provision will now go to the President for his signature.


“I believe in the benefits of trade, but it must be fair trade,” said Rep. Bost.  “Our legislation strengthens America’s trade remedy laws, and that’s a win for the steel industry in Southern Illinois and for other industries that suffer the consequences of illegal foreign trade practices.  Without the reforms included in our legislation, American businesses would continue to suffer significant – and often, permanent – harm before they can seek relief.  I’m proud the House joined Rep. Davis and me in restoring common sense to these laws.”


“I am pleased by the amount of support shown today for our provisions to strengthen trade enforcement rules,” said Rep. Davis.  “By holding foreign competitors who break our trade laws accountable, we can protect American workers, support American-made products, and grow American jobs.”


Nucor Steel, the Committee on Pipe and Tube Imports, U.S. Steel, the Steel Manufactures Association, the American Iron and Steel Institute, and the Alliance for American Manufacturing have all publically backed the Bost/Davis legislation.