As a father of three and grandfather of 11, I know the love a family feels for their child long before that child’s even been born. It is my firm belief that every life created is a precious gift from God and that America is only as strong as our willingness to protect them, the weakest and most vulnerable among us. 

I am proud to have an A+ rating from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. I 
strongly supported the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and restore the American people’s power to determine for themselves how abortion services are regulated in their state. I have voted against the liberal Democrats’ pro-abortion agenda and have cosponsored numerous pro-life bills.

Taxpayers should not be forced to fund abortions, nor should healthcare providers be forced to violate their religious or moral beliefs by performing an abortion. I also support efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and ensure that babies who survive botched abortions will receive life-saving medical care.

We must take a stand and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Today, tomorrow, and every day, I am proud to be pro-life.