Washington, D.C.—Today, Reps. Mike Bost (IL-12) and Rodney Davis (IL-13), along with a representative with the office of Rep. John Shimkus (IL-15), met with Department of Commerce (DOC) Deputy Secretary Bruce Andrews and Assistant Secretary Paul Piquado of the Enforcement Office to discuss trade enforcement-related matters in the wake of U.S. Steel’s announcement that they may temporarily idle operations at their Granite City Works facility. 


“I commend the DOC for responding to our meeting request as we work together on behalf of our steelworkers and their families to get an update on pending cases before the ITC concerning anti-dumping and countervailing duties,” said Rep. Bost.  “Rep. Davis and I were successful in securing enhanced trade remedies to protect against illegal trade practices.  It’s important to know how these provisions will be implemented to help restore certainty and ensure that our efforts to put American workers on an even playing field in the global marketplace are successful.”


These three anti-dumping and countervailing duty petitions filed by several companies in the domestic steel industry are now before the International Trade Commission (ITC).  Earlier this year, the President signed into law a provision Bost and Davis introduced to protect American workers from the illegal dumping of foreign products in U.S. markets.