WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Mike Bost (R-IL) today joined U.S. Reps. Angie Craig (D-MN), Pete Stauber (R-MN), and Salud Carbajal (D-CA) in reintroducing the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act. This legislation addresses the dangerous, nationwide shortage in safe, accessible parking spaces for large commercial trucks by providing U.S. Department of Transportation funding on a competitive basis for the construction of new lots and spaces.
“I grew up in a family trucking business,” said Bost. “I know firsthand how difficult, and oftentimes dangerous, it can be when America’s truckers are forced to push that extra mile in search of a safe place to park. By expanding access to parking options for truckers, we are making our roads safer for all commuters and ensuring that goods and supplies are shipped to market in the most efficient way possible. This is a matter of public safety for everyone; and I’m committed to do all I can to drive this legislation over the finish line.”
"Truck drivers keep our nation's supply chains moving, and they should never be forced to forgo much-needed rest because of insufficient highway parking," said Craig. "Increasing rest spot availability means a safer and more efficient road for truck drivers and everyday commuters alike, and I'm proud to work with my colleagues across the aisle on this critical issue."
“One of the most meaningful ways Congress can show its support for America’s professional truck drivers is to ensure they have a safe place to park and sleep when they take their federally mandated rest break or finish their shift. The chronic lack of truck parking poses an unacceptable risk to both truckers and the nation’s motoring public. Congress must step in to provide a solution,” said American Trucking Association President and CEO Chris Spear. “We thank Representatives Bost and Craig for their leadership on this vital piece of legislation, which will increase the efficiency of our supply chain and improve highway safety for all motorists.”
"Lack of safe truck parking has been a top concern of truckers for decades and as a former truck driver, I can tell you firsthand that when truckers don’t have a safe place to park, we are put in a no-win situation,” said President of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association Todd Spencer. “We must either continue to drive while fatigued or out of legal driving time, or park in an undesignated and unsafe location like the side of the road or abandoned lot. It forces truck drivers to make a choice between safety and following federal Hours-of-Service rules. The current situation isn’t safe for the truck driver and it’s not safe for others on the road. OOIDA and the 150,000 small-business truckers we represent thank Representative Bost and Representative Craig for listening to truckers across America and leading the charge to improve highway safety for all drivers. The bill has longstanding, broad industry support and should be a top priority as Congress begins reauthorizing our nation’s highway safety programs.”
Truckers are legally obligated to comply with ‘Hours of Service’ Regulations from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It is estimated that each trucker spends approximately one hour per day looking for safe parking, which cuts down on time driving to their destination. According to a study commissioned by the Federal Highway Administration, 98% of truck drivers say they regularly experience difficulty finding safe parking, and are forced to park on an exit ramp, on the side of an interstate, or other unsafe areas. The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act will allocate funds to create thousands of safe parking spots for trucks and make necessary improvements to existing truck parking areas.